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Practice reading by looking up and sharing information.
Whether you are travelling though the summer or making day trips, have your children read something about the place you are going to. It could be anywhere – an amusement park, a beach town, a children’s farm, or even a museum
For who is it?
Children in group 3 and their parents and or older sisters and brothers.

What can we do?
Look for information on the internet and print it. If you are going to an amusement park, ask for a brochure or look for some background information online. Together with your child read out loud one by one the information you find. You can ask older children to find out what is really worthwhile and decide on what you should see or visit during the trip. Are you going abroad?
Have your children look up some words in the language of the country you are visiting. For example, some short, simple but useful sentences, for example: Good morning, good evening Where is the toilet? Can you help me? Your child can do this with the help of google translate or a phrasebook. Look for words like, ‘what’ and ‘how’ in French (or other languages).
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