Guppies muziekcafe
@VLLA | zaterdag 12 november | vanaf 16:30 uur
@VLLA | zaterdag 12 november | vanaf 16:30 uur
@De Toverknol |woensdag 26 oktober t/m woensdag 9 november 2016 |om 10:30 uur, 12:15 uur en 14:00 uur
@OBA IJburg | iedere maandag | van 15:30 uur tot 16:00 uur
@NEMO| in het weekend vanaf 11:00 uur| weekdagen dagelijks vanaf 13:00 uur
@Amsterdamse bos| elke zondag | om 12:00 uur
The voorschool (pre-school) provides your child with a good headstart and prepares them in a playful manner for elementary school. Children can participate 2 or 4 dayparts. You can read more about VVE here and search voor a pre-school in your area.
The Ouder en Kind team (parent and child team) is there for any questions you may have concerning parenting and growing up. You can find midwives, maternity care, youth healthcare and educational advisers here. You can also contact the Ouder en Kind team whenever you have any concerns about your child’s language development.
You can contact a parent and child counsellor via school and find them at these locations, by calling 020 – 555 5961 or send them an email.
De Opvoedpoli is there for any the questions you may have concerning parenting, growing up and the development of children and young adults between the age of 0-23.
When children have difficulties in talking, for example pronouncing sounds, making good sentences, or understanding language, you can make an appointment with a speech therapist. Together with the parents, a language therapist can find out what exactly your child is having difficulties with and why. During a course of a few weeks up to a few months, your child will visit the language therapist weekly to practice verbal communication. The language therapist will also explain what you can do at home to help your child.
Are you looking for a speech therapist in your neighbourhood? Search online or ask the Parent and Child Counselor.
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