Video ‘Roodkapje was een toffe meid’ (Dutch)
What is it?
Are you looking for something different than the traditional (Dutch) fairytales? A good book to read is ‘Little Red Riding Hood was a cool girl’. Other well-known fairytales retold: A princess who is surfing on the internet, wolves chilling in the forest and a prince with a pumpkin bottom!
Once upon a time there was a mother goat with 7 little goats. One morning she said: ‘Hey guys, I’m going out for a sec. Look out for the wolf, because he’s looking for breakfast. Don’t open the door, otherwise you will regret it.’ Writer Marjet Huiberts wrote a book in which she retells seven famous fairytales. She rewrote the texts in a rap style. The fairytales rhyme and have a faster, more dynamic pace.
For parents and children to read out loud.

What can we do?
Read out loud to your child(ren) or read the following book together one by one: Roodkapje was een toffe meid’, door Marjet Huiberts, uitgeverij Gottmer, 2010.
While reading you start to rap! Marjet Huiberts does not follow the original text of the fairytales but adapts them. E.g. the hunter in ‘ Little Red Riding Hood’ was a brave Turkish man who later married her (with the wolf as bridesmaid!) and Cinderella did not get a date with the prince but with an another fairytale character…